Nine in 10 Archie Williams sophomores will take at least one Advanced Placement (AP) class in the following school year. APs, challenging courses intended to provide college preparation and give students...
From Monday, May 6, to Friday, May 17, Advanced Placement (AP) Testing took Archie Williams’ campus by storm as hundreds of students attempted to earn college credit for their courses. Students took...
From pop to rap, we are currently living in the most diverse music era ever. With this dramatic range and surplus of music, comes some questionable musical artists. While many of these artists are great,...
At Archie Williams High School, two years of Physical Education (PE) is a graduation requirement, traditionally taken during freshmen and sophomore year. The course covers various sports, along with a...
When dressing for the extreme heat of a Marin summer, a question arises: What to wear? Of course, the real question is, what not to wear? Lucky for you, The Pitch has a guide to summer fashion trends that...
After teaching at Archie Williams for almost seven years, P.E. teacher Tim Parnow has become an integral part of the Falcon community.
As a child, Parnow deeply enjoyed playing sports and being...
Despite her numerous successes in helping students, Archie Williams High School counselor Sheila Souder never thought that she’d be where she is today. Over the years, Souder found a passion for helping...
After teaching at Archie Williams for 23 years, Social Studies and Street Law teacher Kathleen McCormick is a passionate educator with the goal of teaching her students in an interactive learning environment.
Have you ever thought about what your high school teachers did before constructing seating charts and grading papers? Current AP Language and Composition and Economics teacher Tes Howell was a translator,...
We all gossip. It’s a basic human vice: sharing information, speculating about friends and family, and expressing concern about peers makes us feel connected to each other. The average person gossips...
Don’t drive high. While some may assume this statement is obvious, driving while impaired by cannabis has become increasingly normalized in our Archie Williams student community. We acknowledge that...
In 2017, New York Times writer Benoit Denizet-Lewis wrote an article about an overachieving teenager, Jake, and his fear of academic failure. Jake personifies thousands of teenagers across the country...