The Peregrine Players of Archie Williams High School, drama program participants, are currently preparing for their second live performance of the school year, Radium Girls. This show opens Dec. 5 and...
On Friday, Nov. 17, approximately 30 high school students from across Marin walked out of their schools in support of Palestinian civilians and a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict. The group of teens...
On Tuesday, Nov. 14, the trustees of the Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD) unanimously approved a resolution for a 517 million dollar infrastructure bond. This bond will go on the ballot for...
Hava Rossiter, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• November 29, 2023
On Thursday, Nov. 16th, the San Anselmo Racial Equity Committee screened the film Our America: Lowballed. The event, which took place in the Archie Williams Little Theater, featured a Q&A with Marin...
One of the most complicated decisions in the college application process is whether to apply for early action (EA), early decision (ED), or regular decision (RD). These three ways of applying to colleges...
On Tuesday, Oct. 31, Archie Williams students congregated in the Student Center at lunch to watch the Archie Williams annual Halloween Fashion Show. Contestants displayed their Halloween spirit on the...
Ben Luka Sheddrick and Charlie Fee
• November 3, 2023
On Friday, Oct. 20, Archie Williams hosted its first official dance of the 2023-2024 school year, the Homecoming Dance. The “Just Dance"-themed event took place from 7-10:00 p.m. in the school’s Main...
On Thursday Nov. 2, at around 12:15 p.m., two cars collided on the corner of Sunny Hills Dr. and Sir Francis Drake Blvd in San Anselmo. The accident occurred when a blue Honda Pilot moving at a high speed...
Friday, Oct. 20, wrapped up a fun-filled Archie Wiliams spirit week with a colorful “Just Dance” theme. Students wore bright clothes corresponding to each grade’s assigned color: freshmen in orange,...
On Thursday, Oct. 19, the fourth day of Archie William’s High School’s Homecoming spirit week took place, featuring the theme “Hay Day.” ASB encouraged students to “wear your farm fit.” Falcons...
On Wednesday, Oct. 18, Archie Williams celebrated the third spirit day this week, “Wii Sports Day.” Going along with the Homecoming video game theme, students showed up to school in their favorite...
In 2017, couple Molly Parent and Stephen Sparks took over beloved bookstore Point Reyes Books from the previous owners. After six years of successful business, they decided to open a new bookstore, Wayfinder...