After three years at Archie Williams High School, Principal LaSandra White will depart, accepting the position of Senior Director of Human Resources for the Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD)....
As of Saturday, March 9, students will take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) solely online. The administration of the test will continue to be in-person, but will no longer involve physically filling...
On Wednesday, March 13, the Archie Williams drama students, known as the Peregrine Players, opened their play, “Best o’ th’ Bard.” On four consecutive days, the Peregrine Players performed in the...
To kick off the month of March, ASB hosted what could be considered an Archie Williams Olympic Spirit Week. With Winter Formal’s rally pushed off by the district Stop and Learn, ASB organized a new spirit...
This coming April, the English Language Arts (ELA) and Math California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) assessments for 11th and 12th graders will move up earlier in the month, to...
On Friday, March 8, Archie Williams’ ASB held a school-wide rally in the Carl “Red” Brown gymnasium inspired by the school’s namesake, Archie Williams. The rally began at 10 a.m. and lasted until...
On Thursday, Feb. 29, the last day of Black History Month, Archie Williams held a lunchtime event recognizing Black History, Excellence, and Futures. Lunch was extended by 12 minutes to accommodate the...
On Wednesday, Feb. 28 at Archie Williams, USA Gap Year Fairs (USAGYF) hosted a two-part event where community members could learn more about gap years. The event provided opportunities for students, parents,...
On Tuesday, March 5, Measure A will be placed on the ballot for Marin voters. Measure A, a $517 million infrastructure bond, aims to improve both sports facilities and vital systems such as heating and...
Charlie Fee and Ben Luka Sheddrick
• February 25, 2024
On Saturday, Feb.10, Archie Williams hosted its annual Winter Formal dance at Peacock Gap Golf Club in San Rafael. The dance took place from 7 pm to 10 pm, and despite the new “no moshing” rule, it...
On Wednesday, Feb. 14, ASB hosted a Valentine's Day-themed Candy Gram event. Students purchased candy and roses and had them delivered to their friends or significant others. Initially, ASB planned to...
On Friday, Feb. 9, Archie Williams students sorted into class colors for Spirit Week Day Five. ASB appointed Friday's theme, High School Musical, engaging students to wear their assigned class color with...