Let the games begin: A guide to senior assassin

Archie Williams’ Upperclassmen Assassin begins at 12 a.m. on April 17. (illustration by Aler Giffin)

The annual game of Assassin will begin April 17, with the Archie Williams Pitch covering each aspect of the game. We will post updates and standings with information on the game. Assassin participants will remain anonymous, until they become permanently eliminated or disqualified from the game. The following is a summary of the rules and regulations. 

All Archie Williams upperclassmen can join the game for 20 dollars per person. The final prize at the end of the game is the accumulation of admission money, which is usually over 1,000 dollars. 

“We don’t know how much [the prize] is going to be because teams haven’t come in yet. We’re expecting a large cash prize divided up between the three [team members],” said an anonymous participant, using the pseudonym Facilitator One. 

Participants go into the game with two teammates of their choosing, and each team is assigned another team to “assassinate” with the use of water guns, balloons, hoses, time bombs and more. Two Archie Williams students have outlined the rules and guidelines for this year’s game. 

Each team will have a designated team captain. If another team assassinates the team captain, the entire team is out. Each team will have a set target to eliminate by the end of the round. Once a team successfully assassinates another team, they move on to assassinate that team’s target. 

The more kills a team acquires, the more ‘kill points’ a team will receive, which will be helpful throughout the game. Teams can either save up their Kill Points until the end of the game, or spend them in this year’s new Assassin addition, The Shop. 

“For each kill an assassin gets, they will receive five points. You can use those points to buy things from The Shop, which is going to have things such as buying captain identities, or captain immunities,” Facilitator One said. 

Teams must film and submit their assassinations within 24 hours, or the kill will expire and become invalid. 

The last team standing in the game receives the Grand Victory. The team that ends with the highest number of ‘Kill-Points’ receives the secondary win, the Surtr Triumph.  

“[This year] we’ve pivoted from a kill-based approach to a point-based approach. Last year, it had the Slayer Victory, based on the most amount of kills, and we’ve changed all that. So there’s more possibilities for player engagement.” said another anonymous participant, using the pseudonym Facilitator Two. 

Rounds are typically, but not limited to, a week long. Each team must make their assassination within the round to advance in the game. If the captain survives through the round, their eliminated teammates will return for the next round. After each round, the number of teams decreases until one team is left standing. 

With two weeks left until the games begin, Archie Williams students of all grades anticipate the excitement ahead.