Psychic readings have existed for thousands of years, but many doubt their legitimacy and effectiveness. To gain a deeper understanding of the experience for ourselves, we visited a local psychic. Located at 7 Bolinas Road in Fairfax, the eleventh house offers a variety of psychic readings and healings, including tarot and oracle card readings, intuitive energy healings, and general psychic readings.
A psychic reading with Nadia Al-Samarrie entails a 30-minute session complete with an auric reading, chakra clearing, psychic mediumship, healing, and oracle card reading for a fee of 75 dollars. Nadia graduated from the Academy of Intuitive Medicine in Sausalito, California, and has continued to study the art of energy and healing. Throughout her journey, Nadia has kindled her passion for the metaphysical and the evolution of past lives.
The eleventh house is an ideal place for a psychic reading, with a black and white mural covering the wall and ceiling and shelves lined with crystals, clothing, and tarot cards. Up a flight of stairs and behind a velvet curtain sits the reading studio. The second story and private space allow for a more intimate and personal experience for the client.

To begin our reading, Nadia asked if there were any specific focuses or goals for the session itself. Before diving into the oracle cards and chakra work, she described the energy and presence in the room. This included a description of our general energy and what she felt we could potentially be experiencing at that moment.
Moving on to the chakra reading, she first gave an overview of the seven chakras and what they are, which provided helpful background knowledge. Chakra means “wheel” and references the seven major points of energy throughout the body. This includes the first chakra located at the base of the spine, and the sixth chakra, also known as the “third eye.” Each of these has a specific function and energy, ranging from relationships and compassion to the intake of information.
As she described the functions and elements of each chakra, Nadia also pulled oracle cards to accompany the reading. Pairing a card with each chakra, she dove into specific situations and potential reactions or ways to combat each one. Out of the seven chakras she spent a large portion of the reading focused mainly on the first. This included her explaining how she felt there was a female figure in our lives with very high expectations, but she advised us to let that go because, in a previous life, the roles had been reversed, which seemed confusing.
As part of the healing, Nadia took a deeper look into sources that could be affecting our energy and made sure to eliminate those points of drainage. For us, this meant waving her hands and sifting the air, which felt a little out of place compared to the rest of the reading. Throughout our reading, Nadia provided us with a lot of things to consider, including advice that could be boiled down to “You don’t need people to fix you” and “Don’t give all your energy away to other people.”

Even though certain aspects of the reading seemed like they were accurate, with enough thought every single one could have applied to anyone, one way or another. The generalizations make it easy for the client to interpret the reading however they feel. This definitely allowed for a lot of self-reflection and thought, which built a level of personal consideration and understanding. The reading serves as a segue to consider all points of life and the impacts of those points.
Whether or not you believe in psychic readings, it is an opportunity to self-reflect and get clarity on life. The psychic reading’s effectiveness depends on the client and their goals, but Nadia’s friendly, welcoming approach made the experience enjoyable and insightful. Psychic readings can provide clients with a stronger sense of trust in their intuition, and as Nadia says, “Everyone has intuition!”