On Sunday, Sept. 22, the developers of Northgate Mall at 5800 Northgate Drive in San Rafael completed the final version of their long-awaited renovation plan, after several rejected drafts. The upgrade plan aims to build more affordable housing on the site, including a pleasant outdoor space and remodeled shops.
The Northgate Mall opened in 1964, after development by the Boasberg family, who owned the property for several decades. In 2001 the mall was sold to a real estate investment firm called Macerich. Merlone Geier Partners, a real estate company based in San Francisco, bought the Northgate Mall from Macerich in 2017.
Merlone Geier Partners plans to renovate the mall. The group plans to begin phase one of construction in 2025, followed by phase two in 2040. The renovation will allow the mall to act as a town center and provide affordable housing for up to 1,400 residents.
The first phase of the project will include the construction of a town square near the center of the housing complexes. The first and second phases of the renovation will also involve the development of landscaped areas to provide common space. In addition, new internal roadways will be built to allow transportation access to each of the new buildings and surface parking lots.
Merlone Geier Partners aims for the project to give the housing complexes an open-air, main street feel. During phase two, the rest of the open space on the property will be further decorated with planters and trees.

The new housing looks to benefit many Marin County residents. In an interview with the Marin Independent Journal, San Rafael’s City Project Manager, April Talley, outlined how the project plan reflects feedback taken from the local area.
“The range of feedback received as part of this engagement has been revised and has evolved to address many concerns and the result is a significantly improved project for the San Rafael community,” Talley said.
Students who have grown up in Marin have watched the Northgate Mall change drastically due to the COVID-19 pandemic. County residents stopped shopping at Northgate during the pandemic due to it being indoors, leading to stores pulling out and leaving the mall a husk of its original state. Sophomore Nate Greenberg will miss the mall and the memories he made there.
“I’m really sad [about the mall’s deconstruction], because I have some core memories of going to Wetzel’s Pretzels with my parents, [and with] all the memories that place holds for me, it’s just so special,” Nate said.
However, some Archie Williams students believe that affordable housing is vital for our community, and recognize the importance and struggle of buying or renting a home in the U.S.
“I think it’s very important to have affordable housing in our community… a lot of people in our community can benefit from this [renovation],” said junior Nadya Walchelka.
In addition to San Rafael residents, the Northgate Mall renovation may aid friends or family members of Archie Williams students in the market for affordable homes. Freshman Heidi Blechen has a close family friend who may benefit from the Northgate transformation.
“[My friend] is renting and can’t afford to buy a house… her family has been talking about the renovation and may be interested in the new housing,” Heidi said.
The San Rafael Planning Commission held a study session to discuss the redevelopment and renovation plan Sep. 24, 2024. The plan still has to go through City Council Hearings in the winter before being finalized. Community members are encouraged to stay informed as the project progresses and participate in discussions to come.