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Varsity field hockey battles Marin Academy Wildcats in preseason scrimmage

Junior Sarala Rosen lunges for the open ball against two Wildcats.
Junior Sarala Rosen lunges for the open ball against two Wildcats.
Dempsey Boone
Junior Claire Palmer battles against a Wildcat for the ball. (Dempsey Boone)

On Wednesday, Aug. 28, the Archie Williams girls varsity field hockey team (0-1) fought tooth and claw against the Marin Academy Wildcats. The teams battled at the Falcons’ home turf for their second game of the season. The Falcons suffered a tough 2-0 loss in the end following a long defensive battle down to the last second.

The game started with the Falcons gaining possession, immediately met with a heated back-and-forth battle for the ball. Despite the constant offensive pressure from the Wildcats, Archie Williams’ defense kept the first quarter scoreless. Archie Williams sophomore Sophie Macdonald praised the team’s effort, despite the eventual loss. 

“We spaced out really well, we communicated, we were crushing our back passes. We can do better on the offense and keep the ball above the fifty [yard line],” Sophie said. 

Heading into the second quarter, the Falcons held strong defense but were matched with hard offense. The overpowering offense from the Wildcats led to them scoring the first point of the game. Determined to hold the Wildcats at bay, the Falcons increased their teamwork, passing, and communication, and the second quarter ended with a score of 1-0, Marin Academy.

“[We can] work on the offense and [penalty] corners,” said sophomore Finley Heller. “[But] our communication was spot on, and our spacing was amazing.”

Sophomore Finley Heller makes a break away towards the goal. (Dempsey Boone)

The third quarter featured a long fight for possession, with the Wildcats continuously stealing the ball and Archie Williams fighting hard to get it back. The Wildcats scored on the Falcons once again, but the point was quickly overturned as the shot was made from outside the defensive circle. The quarter ended with the Falcons still down 1-0 and no changes in the score. 

“[Moving forward], I would say [we could] definitely work together better as a team and just try to play more offensively. [Regardless] I’m so proud of everybody on the team. They did such a good job,” said senior captain and goalie Bailey Dillon.

The fourth and final quarter started off in the Falcons’ favor, winning the faceoff and maintaining possession. Unfortunately the Wildcats’ relentless speed, stick work, and shooting eventually wore down the Falcons’ defense, scoring and ending the game 2-0 Wildcats.

The Falcons, now 0-2, will kick off their league season next week with two home games. The first game will take place Tuesday, Sept. 3, against the Tamalpais High School Hawks. Following that game, they will play Convent and Stuart Hall Thursday, Sept. 5.

Sophomore Finley Heller protects the ball from a Marin Academy Wildcat. (Dempsey Boone)
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