Netflix original Along for the Ride, released May 6, did not stray far from Netflix's other recent disasters like Tall Girl 2 and The Kissing Booth 3. An adaptation from Sarah Dessen’s 2009 young adult...
Fairfax’s Farmers Market opened for the season on May 4 and receives a considerable turnout every Wednesday evening from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Along with farm-grown strawberries and oranges, the market...
Hearing that a new Marvel movie is coming to theaters always elicits a certain amount of excitement. Some favorites include Spiderman Into the Spiderverse (2018), Avengers End Game (2019), Black Panther...
The 1976 film Sybil’s depiction of the deep psychological scars of child abuse continues to capture viewers in 2022, an era where mental disorders are much more normalized.
In mid-1970s New York...
Movies and TV have a tendency to portray gay characters and their stories with grit and darkness: a closeted romance living in shadows, parents that kick out their gay teenage son, lugheaded football players...
If you find yourself at a loss for things to do with your mom this Mother’s day, a beautiful day outside is the perfect solution. Since the weather, this Sunday is predicted to be the ideal temperature...
Friday evening, Apr. 22 at 7 pm, White Hill Middle School’s “Cool Cat” cast began a weekend-long chain of Bye Bye Birdie productions at the San Anselmo Playhouse. The rom-com musical sent middle...
Trader Joe's is famous for stepping out of the box in all areas of culinary excellence, from delicious french cheese to green tea mochi. Recently, as one walks through the cheery isles in their local Trader...
Easter provides plenty of joy after remembering the fun of egg dying and Easter egg hunts from their childhood years. These four movies below will undoubtedly spark a flood of nostalgia.
Peter Rabbit
Harry Styles’ released his latest single, titled “As It Was”, in the U.S. March 31, 2022. The song is a venture from the classic and soft rock musical direction that Styles has taken in the past,...
Rex Orange County’s (Alex O’Connor) new album Who Cares?, released Mar. 11, 2022, stays true to his lo-fi soft rock origins, crafting soft, heartfelt tracks. While the tracks are bound to resonate...
Life is funny. If you don’t laugh, you’re in trouble.” - Taylor Hawkins
On Mar. 25, 2022, Oliver Taylor Hawkins passed away. Better known as Taylor Hawkins, the loss of the legendary...