From Monday, Jan. 27 to Friday, Jan. 31, the Archie Williams Associated Student Body (ASB) organized a “Winter Wonderland”-themed spirit week to boost student spirit heading into the Winter Formal Dance on Saturday. Falcon spirit was high as many students participated in each unique event in preparation for the Winter Formal Dance.
On Monday, spirit week started off with cozy attire for a “Snowed In”-themed day. ASB tasked students with wearing their most comfortable clothes, including pajama pants, sleep sets, and sweatpants.
Archie Williams freshman Joss Asher participated in Monday’s dress-up and appreciated the theme because it offered a break from usual school attire without being too challenging to participate in.

“I think pajama day is easy; anyone can dress up for it because any PJs are acceptable and it’s not like a normal school day. It makes [the day] more fun,” Joss said.
For the second day of spirit week, ASB encouraged students to twin with their peers as if in a classic JC Penney photoshoot. Students could be found sporting their matching attire in the quad while striking a silly or awkward pose for a picture with ASB’s provided camera and backdrop.
Archie Williams sophomore and ASB member Hazel Hovey appreciated the creativity students expressed through their outfits on Tuesday. Having an opportunity to take photos made it easy to participate in this spirit-building day.
“I love how people are able to twin with [each other and] express themselves through the photos,” Hazel said. “It’s also fun to dress up with your friends. We’ve seen a lot of fun things, like jerseys, but also you can just dress in sweats. It’s an easy spirit day to participate in.”
On Wednesday, Archie Williams students showcased their spirit by taking on ASB’s assignment of dressing up as lumberjacks. Students participated by wearing flannels and jean jackets to achieve the look.

Archie Williams junior Julian Wallace was one of the many students who participated in this theme.
“[Spirit days] give the school a collaborative thing to do and I feel like it unites the school in a fun way,” Julian said.
Students met the fourth day of Spirit Week with a clash of warm and cold weather attire for California Weather Day. Falcons showed their spirit by dressing up in their preferred seasonal clothing, many featuring a mix of ski goggles, puffers, sunglasses, and flip-flops.
Junior Fiona O’Conner opted to wear warm clothes for the spirit day due to the brisk winter weather outside.

“I thought it was really relatable because we live in California and it was gonna be cold anyway, so I might as well wear a winter outfit,” Fiona said.
In anticipation for Saturday’s Winter Formal Dance, all students were invited to the gym during fourth period for a rally. To distinguish grade levels, ASB assigned a different color for each grade to wear to the rally. Freshmen and juniors wore blue, while sophomores and seniors wore white.
Freshman Kael Dunnegan appreciates spirit weeks and how they help bring the school together. As a freshman, he likes the idea of the school feeling like a community.
“It was very uplifting for the school spirit, and it helped create positive environments,” Kael said.
Students who participated in ASB’s Winter Formal Spirit Week helped to foster anticipation for Saturday’s Winter Formal dance. The dance was held at the College of Marin Jonas Center Feb. 1 from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.