Seniors frustrated with distribution of school parking permits


Gabriela Yacoub

An early morning at the AWHS front parking lot where student vehicles fill up every spot.

At the beginning of their last year, AWHS seniors find themselves conflicted by the lack of parking permits, despite AWHS senior priority for parking in years past. 

Specific considerations, such as distance from campus, are taken into account when AWHS administration selects who is to be given a parking spot in the main lot. Despite this, many seniors feel as though they should be given priority. 

“I’m just kind of mad because I saw a lot of sophomores and juniors getting parking spots and I’m pretty sure every other year besides this one, seniors have been prioritized … this is my last year and I want to be able to drive to school and not have to worry about finding parking,” said AWHS senior Mia Slippy.  

Permits are provided through the Assistant Principal’s office, and though senior priority is enforced, other factors contribute to whether students receive a parking spot on school grounds. If students carpool with three or more people to school, or live far away from school grounds, like in San Rafael or San Geronimo Valley, they will most likely be prioritized over seniors who live closer to AWHS.

Although those without parking permits may face difficulties finding parking spots on side streets around school, Mia recognizes that it’s an adjustment she’ll be required to accept. 

“It’s not that big of a deal to wake up a little bit earlier, but I do have to leave [my] house at, I’d say 7:55 a.m., when if I had a parking spot, I’d probably leave at 8:10 a.m,” said Mia. 

Mia is one of the many students who remain on the waitlist. If any students have their parking places revoked, students on the waitlist may be given spots. 

Other AWHS students, not just seniors, enjoy priority parking due to special circumstances. Beth Brisson, AWHS junior, received priority parking due to her residence in Forest Knolls, eight miles away from campus. 

“It saves so much time and it brought my stress level down a lot when I found out I got a spot… I didn’t want to stress about commuting to school every morning,” Beth said.

In May 2021, through a form in the schoolwide Crew Announcement at the beginning of tutorial, students could register for a parking spot during the 2021-22 school year. 

“The moment they put it on the announcements that I could get a parking spot, I signed up right away,” Beth said. “They asked me where I live and how far that is in miles, they asked me what grade I’m in, what kind of car I would be driving, etc,” 

Without knowledge of where to sign up, those wanting a spot for the 2021-22 year possibly could have been affected by their late start. 

“They didn’t let me know… I saw everyone else getting emails, and it didn’t look like I got one so I emailed and asked if they forgot to email me and they told me ‘it looks like you didn’t get a parking spot,’” Mia said. 

Despite this conflict, seniors, and all other student drivers are not guaranteed a place to park on, or near campus throughout the neighborhoods surrounding AWHS, without a parking permit.